Showing posts with label MISCS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MISCS. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

What is replacing adobe flash player?

Or, what is going to replace the adobe Flash Player after flash player end of life?

Or, what to do with adobe flash payer dependent contents or sites after adobe flash player end of life?

Or, How to migrate from adobe flash player to other alternatives?

Or, what all are the alternatives of adobe flash player?


HTML5 replaced Flash player a long time ago as the deadline from adobe was given a long back, if you are late and now struggling with this, you may now think around how you can transition completely from Adobe flash player dependencies to HTML5.

Other flash player alternatives are WebGL, JS libraries and CSS3 etc..

Her are few recommended KBs you may go through to know more about this (Thanks to);

KB from - Oneline Tech Tips

KB from - zdnet

Please share your ideas if you are doing something really innovative to deal with this situation.

Cheers, please write me back if you have any queries or feedback.

Monday, 15 June 2020

Outlook asking for password again and again…

Why outlook asks for password frequently?

Outlook asks for password very frequently if it is configured for specific connection path, e.g. slow and fast network connections. There could be other issues as well e.g. Password expiration, wrong password attempts etc.…., but the one shown below is more common.

Scenario: I am having the same problem with outlook 2013

Solution: To resolve this, you may try the following:

Please verify if your password is expired or if you are typing the password correctly while attempting to reconnect to outlook emails.


Open Outlook > Go to File > Account and Settings > Account Settings > Select Your Outlook account > Click on Change > More Settings > Connections > Exchange Proxy Settings > Remove check marks from below highlighted options > Click Ok > Click Ok...

Cheers, Please write me back if you have any query or feedback!

Thursday, 11 June 2020

How to create a Virtual Environment in Python

Why do you need to create a Virtual Environment?

Sometimes, we need to have some dependencies of your project to be isolated
from dependencies present in the system site to avoid conflicts and Virtual 
Environment lets you do this.

Creating a virtual environment lets you have your own independent set of 
installed Python packages in your site directories which is apart from system
site directories. Virtual Environment lets you create an isolated environment 
for your python projects.

Creating a Virtual Environment :

Step 1: Install Virtual Environment package:

pip install virtualenv

Step 2: Create a new directory to work with and head over there:

mkdir venv
cd venv

Step 3: Now, create a new Virtual Environment in this directory

virtualenv myvenv

This creates a new virtual environment with the name "myvenv".

For using this Environment's packages you need to activate it.

Step 4: Activate the environment 


Now you are in virtual environment and ready to go with it.

Step 5: Deactivate the virtual environment


Saturday, 6 June 2020

Important News (SiteOpia Customers): SiteOpia decided to sell hosting business to Pickaweb with effect from 29th May 2020

Due to this business transition, Pickaweb is migrating DNS records from SiteOpia to their DNS hosting platform (Pickaweb), and so you may experience the outage while DNS propagation is going on.

There are many SiteOpia customers reported that, their DNS and other services hosted on SiteOpia has been effected due to this.

What should you do?

Interactively work with the Pickaweb Support guys and make sure all the records in your DNS control panel are correctly updated (verify all the records one by one).

So what changes (as per communication from SiteOpia to its customers)? 

There’s a little administration that will change - in particular your billing arrangements with SiteOpia. From the 29th May, you will be billed directly by Pickaweb. They will notify you in advance of any billing & you will be able to login to their billing area to make payment & download your invoices.

Pickaweb will also migrate your hosting and email from our servers to theirs. They will notify you in advance & make all of the necessary changes to your domain's Nameservers to minimize any interruption to your service.

Good Luck Friends! Hope to get back to the normal business soon.