Friday, 1 February 2019

How to remove CR LF from codeblocks new project?

Or, Removing CR LF in codeblocks

Descriptions: As a beginner when you start using codeblocks for C or C++ languages, you may face this situation which may discomfort you. It was annoying to me as well… J

Don’t worry, it’s not an error or a problem, it’s just a setting of codeblocks which need to be set to get rid of this visual.

Steps: How to remove CR LF in codeblocks

Open codeblocks > Go to Settings > Click on Editor…

Uncheck the option ‘Show end-of-line chars’ under End-of-line options section as highlighted below

Cheers, please write me back if you have any query or feedback on this.

Friday, 25 January 2019

How to transfer file or folder without FTP and VPN to Remote Servers?

Or, Using local resources feature of windows to transfer files/folder between two remote servers

Descriptions: Want to copy some files/folders to some remote servers but don’t have VPN connection, don’t have any FTP too....???? No worries...Your windows machine is self-capable for doing it...

Let’s see, how???

It’s possible from windows RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol).


Go to Run > Type MSTSC > Press Enter > Enter your Server Name or IP > Click on "Show Option" as shown in below screenshot:

Now click on "Local Resources" as shown in below screenshot:

Now click on "More Option" as shown in the below screenshot...

Now select any drive in which you have data which need to be transferred to the remote location, as shown in below screenshot:

Click on "OK" button > Click on "Connect"

Now you will be prompted for user name and password of the remote server, please enter user name and password of the remote server and hit ENTER...

You are done now, once you are connected with that remote server, you can see that your local drives are appearing in the remote server's "My Computer" drives list.

You can browse your attached local drive on that remote server as you browse local drive partitions.

It’s cool, isn't it...?

Cheers, please write me back if you have any query or feedback.