Sunday, 28 May 2017

How to enable or disable OWA in bulk on O365

Or, O365 PowerShell command to enable to disable OWA for bulk users
Or, Disable or Enable OWA for all users in O365
Or, Disable or Enable OWA for single user in o365

Descriptions: Disabling OWA help you to block the outlook web access for targeted users. One of the very common daily administrative task for an exchange administrator is to enable or disable OWA for users (single or bulk). In this article we will explore the easiest way of doing this task using O365 PowerShell.

There are some cases where people wants to disable or enable OWA for single user as well as for multiple or all users.

IMP Note: Disabling OWA only block the access of Outlook Web Access in O365. All other applications will remain accessible if you login to

Steps: Disabling or Enabling OWA for using PowerShell or GUI

Connect to office365 server PowerShell admin console with administrative privilege.

Run the below command to disable OWA for “All Users”
Get-Mailbox | Set-CASMailbox -OWAEnabled $false

Run the below command to enable OWA for “All Users”
Get-Mailbox | Set-CASMailbox -OWAEnabled $true

Run the below command to Disable OWA for “Single User”
Set-CASMailbox -Identity -OWAEnabled $false

Run the below command to enable OWA for “Single User”
Set-CASMailbox -Identity -OWAEnabled $true

To enable or disable OWA for single user using GUI, follow the below steps:

Go to EAC > Click on Recipients > select any Mailbox > Go to mailbox Properties > Go to Mailbox features > Under Email Connectivity, see for Outlook on the web > Click Disable to disable the OWA and Click on Enable to enable OWA

Cheers, Please write me back if you have any query or feedback.


  1. thanks for you post, its save my day

  2. Hi and thanks for this, Does this work for new users that are added post the changes?

    1. No, when you execute any manual commands or script to disable to enables such features based on users accounts, it would only do the job for existing users.
