Tuesday, 30 March 2021

String Format in Python

Formatting string enables the capability to add dynamic content or string to it in an easy way. It allows to update contents in a string in simpler way.

String Format using format () method

Syntax: template_string.format(positional_args, keyword_args) 

The template string contains the replacement fields which can be replaced using the positional_args and keyword_args used in the method. The method returns the formatted string.

In the template string, the replacements fields are enclosed within curly braces “{  }”. Rest of the string content remains unchanged.

Using positional arguments

print('{0} {1} the {2} nicely'.format('This', 'formats', 'string'))


Here, <template_string> is '{0} {1} the {2} nicely'. The replacement fields are {0}, {1}, and {2} with zero-based positional arguments 'This', 'formats', 'string'. The replacements fields are replaced with the corresponding positional arguments by the format method.


Using keyword arguments

print('{name} is {age} years old'.format(name='Python', age= 30))


Here, the replacement fields are {name}, {age}and the corresponding keyword arguments with values. Each fields are replaced with corresponding keyword argument values.

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