Or, PowerShell script to
export DLs in Office365 server containing details like Last Modify, Date
Created, DL Members, Members Display Name, Owners etc...
Descriptions: Sometime
you may need to export the DLs with their last modify date, members list and
creation date for audit or inventory purpose.
You can use below PowerShell command to get these details exported in an
.CSV file.
Note: Please understand the risk before executing any commands/scripts.
Login to Office365 Server Admin PowerShell Console with
administrative rights.
Copy all script section contents and run that on powershell to get the DLs details as explained above.
You can change the yellow marked path and file name if you want results to be
exported to some other path and with some other file name as per your
#Prepare Output file with headers
Out-File -FilePath d:\new.csv -InputObject "Distribution Group
DisplayName,Distribution Group Email,When Created,Last Modified,Owner,Member
DisplayName, Member Email, Member Type" -Encoding UTF8
#Get all Distribution Groups from Office 365
$objDistributionGroups = Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize
#Iterate through all groups, one at a time
Foreach ($objDistributionGroup in $objDistributionGroups)
write-host "Processing
members of this group
$objDGMembers = Get-DistributionGroupMember -Identity
write-host "Found $($objDGMembers.Count) members..."
#Iterate through each member
Foreach ($objMember in $objDGMembers)
-FilePath d:\new.csv -InputObject
-Encoding UTF8 -append
how Will I get the display name of the owner of the DG to the output? I need to output the display name of the Owner not the entire DN
ReplyDeleteThe exported file should have the column 'Distribution Group DisplayName'. Please refer the same column for the display name.