Showing posts with label Office365. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Office365. Show all posts

Sunday 28 June 2020

Migrate Yammer from one O365 tenant to another O365 tenant

Can we migrate Yammer from one to another O365 tenant?

Description: As of now it’s not supported to migrate yammer from one MS O365 tenant to another MS O365 tenant. However, you can consolidate multiple Yammer Network between verified domains using Network Migration tool from Yammer Admin Center.

Reference Microsoft's KBs:

Cannot migrate a Yammer network across Office 365 tenants

Network migration - Consolidate multiple Yammer networks


Cheers, Please write me back if you have any query or feedback on this.

Friday 21 December 2018

How to bypass clutter for all users in O365?

Or, Disabling clutter for all users in O365
Or, Creating ‘Bypass Clutter’ transport rule in MS O365

Descriptions: If you are looking for disabling clutter function for all currently active mailboxes in your O365 domain just for one time, you can disable clutter by following the KB
But, If you want this clutter function to be bypassed for all current as well as upcoming users, you should create a transport rule for this.

Solution/Steps: Creating ‘Bypass Clutter’ transport rule in MS O365
Login to O365 Admin Portal > Go to Mail Flow > Create a New Trasport Rule as per the reference details are given in below screenshot

IMP Notes:
1. Set the message header 'X-MS-Exchange-Organization-BypassClutter' to the value 'true'
2. You may or may not need an exception in this rule, so you can skip that option if not required

Cheers, Please write me back if you have any query or feedback...

Sunday 17 December 2017

Update multiple user’s profiles in O365 using PowerShell

Or, Updating bulk user’s job title, phone, title, email ID etc... In O365 using PowerShell
Or, How to update user’s profile in O365 using PowerShell with csv import function?

Descriptions: This is one of the very common task that you may be doing on very frequent intervals. Generally when promotions or appraisal are announced in an organization, the Exchange server administrator and AD administrators are requested to update the user’s profiles as per the current designation, extension, department etc...
If you are looking for PowerShell command to update user’s profiles in bulk, you are at the right place and you may refer the steps below.

Connect to Microsoft Azure AD > Open Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator) > Type the command below and hit Enter


Once you have the sign-in pop, please feed in your O365 credentials

Feed in all the info as per your requirement in a CSV file, as reference shown below.

Run below command now and hit Enter
$users = Import-Csv 'D:\temp\UsersInfoUpdate\profileupdate1.csv'

Now run below command to update all the details you have selected
$users | ForEach-Object { Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $_.Email -Title $_.Jobtitle -PhoneNumber $_.OfficePhone -MobilePhone $_.MobilePhone }

Reference screenshot of PowerShell command execution with all commands in sequence:

Cheers, Please write me back if you have any query or feedback on this…

Thursday 21 September 2017

Export O365 mailboxes with assigned licenses types

Export O365 mailboxes with licenses types assigned
Or, PowerShell command to export O365 user’s mailboxes with license assignment details
Or, Export mailboxes with assigned license details

Descriptions: If you are looking for a simplest way of exporting all users’ mailboxes with license types assigned to them, this article is for you. You can use Azure Active Directory PowerShell command to export the mailboxes with licenses types assigned to them.

Login to O365 server using Azure Active Directory PowerShell Administrative privileges.

Connect O365 Azure Active Directory

Run below command to get the report:
Get-MSOLUser -All | select userprincipalname,islicensed,{$_.Licenses.AccountSkuId} | export-csv d:\temp\userslicense.csv

You can change the export folder path if you have a different one.

Cheers, please write me back if you have query of feedback on this.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Export O365 mailboxes with last modified date

Or, PowerShell command to export O365 user’s mailboxes with last modified or last updated date
Or, Export mailboxes with last updated/modified date

Descriptions: If you are looking for a simplest way of exporting all users’ mailboxes with last modified or updated date, this article is for you. You can use Azure PowerShell command to export the mailboxes with last modified date.

Login to O365 server using PowerShell Administrative privileges, To know how to connect O365 server PowerShell administrative console you may check below article

Run below command to get the report:
Get-Mailbox | select displayname,whencreated,whenchanged | export-csv d:\temp\userdetails.csv

You can change the export folder path if you have different one.

Cheers, please write me back if you have query of feedback on this.

Sunday 28 May 2017

How to enable or disable OWA in bulk on O365

Or, O365 PowerShell command to enable to disable OWA for bulk users
Or, Disable or Enable OWA for all users in O365
Or, Disable or Enable OWA for single user in o365

Descriptions: Disabling OWA help you to block the outlook web access for targeted users. One of the very common daily administrative task for an exchange administrator is to enable or disable OWA for users (single or bulk). In this article we will explore the easiest way of doing this task using O365 PowerShell.

There are some cases where people wants to disable or enable OWA for single user as well as for multiple or all users.

IMP Note: Disabling OWA only block the access of Outlook Web Access in O365. All other applications will remain accessible if you login to

Steps: Disabling or Enabling OWA for using PowerShell or GUI

Connect to office365 server PowerShell admin console with administrative privilege.

Run the below command to disable OWA for “All Users”
Get-Mailbox | Set-CASMailbox -OWAEnabled $false

Run the below command to enable OWA for “All Users”
Get-Mailbox | Set-CASMailbox -OWAEnabled $true

Run the below command to Disable OWA for “Single User”
Set-CASMailbox -Identity -OWAEnabled $false

Run the below command to enable OWA for “Single User”
Set-CASMailbox -Identity -OWAEnabled $true

To enable or disable OWA for single user using GUI, follow the below steps:

Go to EAC > Click on Recipients > select any Mailbox > Go to mailbox Properties > Go to Mailbox features > Under Email Connectivity, see for Outlook on the web > Click Disable to disable the OWA and Click on Enable to enable OWA

Cheers, Please write me back if you have any query or feedback.

Adding all Distribution List to a single Distribution List O365 PowerShell

Or, Making all DLs the member of a Global DL in O365
Or, How to add all DLs to a single global DL
Or, Creating a global DL containing all other DLs as member

Descriptions: In this article we are going to learn “How to add all other DLs in a Global DL member list”. Guys, this is something very common requirement across all type of organizations where people want to have a DL containing all other small DLs as a member, so that a Single mail can be sent to everyone by sending that to one DL instead of sending that to multiple DLs.

Yes, there is another way to achieve this requirement and that it creating a Dynamic DL which may by default contain all active mailboxes/users as a member. But, we will discuss about this latter in a separate detailed article.

Connect to office365 server PowerShell admin console with administrative privilege.

Run below command to export all the DLs in to a CSV file
Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize unlimited | select displayname,PrimarySmtpAddress | Export-CSV d:\temp\DLs.csv

Run below command to import and add all the DLs to specified global DL
Import-Csv D:\temp\DLs.csv | foreach {Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity -Member $_.displayname}

IMP Notes:
1. You can change the path as per your environment for exporting and importing the CSV file.
2. Do not modify anything in the exported CSV file.
3. DLs whichever are exported in the CSV file, would be added to the specified global DL. In my case it is

Cheers, please write me back if you have any query or feedback.

Saturday 22 April 2017

Skype and Skype for Business on Windows and Mac

Or, Difference between Skype and Skype for Business
Or, Add Skype contact in Skype for business app on Windows and Mac

Descriptions: If you are facing problem adding Skype contact in your Skype for business app on Mac OSX or want to know what factors you should be considering to understand architectural and functional differences between Skype and Skype for Business, you must read the guest post I have written on expert exchange forum to help one of the tech guy..

Reference Guest Post:

Reference Microsoft KB:

Cheers, please write me back if you have any query or feedback.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Migrating DNS Control Panel from Microsoft Office365 to Third Party DNS Service Provider.

Or, How to migrate DNS control panel from Microsoft Office365 to EasySpace or any third party DNS service provider?

Descriptions: We are planning to migrate our DNS control panel from Microsoft Office365 to EasySpace DNS/Domain service provider because of so many restrictions and limitations in Office365 DNS control panel. Technically, Its take 1-2 hrs approximately to copy all DNS records from Office365 DNS control panel to third party DNS control panel depending upon the number of DNS records you have in Office365 DNS control panel and overall migration activity can be completed within 3-4 hrs including global replications, but logically you should have at least 12-24 hrs of estimated downtime to get this activity completed successfully.

Some DNS provider even asks for 24-48 hrs of downtime for replicating DNS records globally. We will talk about all major steps we should be considering while/before migration of DNS control panel in detail.

Limitations in Office365 DNS Control Panel (I experienced):
1. You can't create multiple/additional MX record in Office365 DNS Control Panel.
2. Including multiple IP and domain keys in SPF record is not fully functional as its displays  duplicate entries sometime in SPF lookup.
3. You can't create sub-domain in Office365 DNS control panel.

1. Take backup of your existing DNS records from Office365 DNS control panel.
2. Check who is your Domain service provider and make sure you have admin access of the control       panel portal.
3. Check with your Third Party DNS Service provider for proper instructions, limitations and steps to
4. understand what all are the things you need to do at new DNS control panel before and after setting     up your NS records.
5. Record NS records entries of both DNS Service Providers (Office365 and Third Party).
6. Plan for a feasible downtime.

Sequence of tasks to be performed.
1. Pointing Name Server (NS) record to your domain service provider’s DNS control panel.
2. Performing migration steps on Office365 DNS Control Panel.
3. Creating and updating all DNS records on third party DNS control panel.
4. Verifying Services and functionalities.

Steps: Pointing Name Server (NS) record
As of now, my domain is being managed by Office365 DNS control panel, so the NS pointing is appearing like below:

Change the Name Server Pointing address to your domain provider’s Name Server. In my case, its appearing below:

Wait for NS record pointers to be updated. It may take up to 1-2 hrs or more... Remember, you have already taken 12 hrs of downtime in advance…. So, don’t be panic, wait till it updates.

My NS record has been updated well and now I am able to see “Launch DNS Tool” option.

Note:  Once your name server is pointed to new DNS control panel. You can proceed with below steps on Office365 Server to transfer all the DNS management responsibility from Office365 to third party control panel.

Steps: Performing migration steps on Office365 DNS Control Panel
Login to Office365 Admin Console with Administrative rights
Go to Domains > Manage Domains > Select the (default) > Click on Domain Settings

You can see here; DNS Management is appearing as ‘DNS Managed by Office365’.

Click on “Click Here” hyperlink when you are ready to start.

Select the option “No, I have an existing website or prefer to manage my own DNS records” > Click Next

Select all the service you want > Click Next

Now you will be able to see many of DNS records (MX, CNAME, A, TXT, SRV etc..) that to be added in your third party DNS control panel for proper functioning of Office365 server.

Steps: Creating all DNS records on third party DNS control panel
Now, Login to your third party DNS control panel console and Create all the records recommended by MS by default one by one carefully.

These records are mandatory to be created first in your third party DNS control panel to make sure proper functioning of your Office365 Server emails and other services.

In my case, I am logged in in EasySpace DNS control panel and created all the required records appearing in final page of Office365 server DNS records lists including MX, A, CANAME, SRV, TXT(SPF) etc…

Once you are done with creating all the records in your third party DNS control panel, save it and go back to Office365 DNS control panel.

Click on Verify button in bottom left corner > verifying process will be initiated as appearing below:

That’s it… You’re all set up. Once the verification is completed, click on Finish button to close this migration wizard.

Just to verify, if you will check the Domain Settings options again, it will show you that your DNS is now being managed outside Office365.

Cheers, please write me back if you have any query or feedback on this...

Thursday 29 December 2016

How to delete a single email from all user’s mailboxes in O365 server?

Or, PowerShell command to delete a single email from all user’s mailboxes in Office365 server.
Or, Email sent by mistake to all users, want to delete the specific email from everyone’s mailbox.

Descriptions: This is very common scenario where someone in your organization sent an email by mistake to a ‘Distribution List’ which may contain 100-1000 or even more users. Now the role of administrator starts here.

The requirement here is to delete this particular email from every user’s mailbox without letting them know about this.

Take it easy, you can use below PowerShell command to get it done.

Connect to office365 server PowerShell admin console with administrative privilege.
Run below command to delete the specific email.
$mailbox = Get-Mailbox  -ResultSize Unlimited
foreach ($Mbx in $mailbox) {
$sam = $mbx.SamAccountName
Search-Mailbox -Identity $sam -SearchQuery 'Subject:"your email subject line contents" AND From:""' -DeleteContent -Force

Note: Please specify “From” user’s email address and “Subject” field very carefully. Else you will end up with criticism instead of appreciation. good luck.

Saturday 24 December 2016

How to block external or internal emails for a specific user in Office365 Server?

Or, How to create email transport rule in Office365 server?

Descriptions: First thing first, there is no option in mailbox properties to restrict a specific user from sending email outside the organization if you are using Office365 online exchange server. This is one of worst limitation of Office365 server and mailboxes along with too many others. Yeah, there is way to achieve this requirement still.

To block the external emails for a specific user, you can create a transport rule. Be extra careful while creating this transport rule as it can impact more than you expect if created wrongly. 

If you are not much familiar with creating transport rules, my advice is to get in touch with MS Support guys and get it done in their supervision.

Login to your Office 365 account.

Under Admin console choose Exchange.

Under Exchange admin centre (EAC), go to mail flow > rules

Click on the + sign > create a new rule

You can use any friendly and logical name for this rule > Click on ‘more options’ to see advanced options > carefully select the user and condition > Click on Save

Good Luck..

Sunday 30 October 2016

How to Archive MS outlook emails?

Or, Archive outlook emails in to .PST.
Or, Why to archive outlook emails when the mailbox size increases?

Descriptions: Is your outlook email very slow overall than usual? If yes, the outlook data size is one of the very common factor which affects outlook performance. It’s very important to consider a regular email archival if you are using outlook emails in exchange server environment. If the archival is not done for long, then the .OST files size get increased. Every time you open outlook or perform any email operations, outlook takes lots of time to get everything checked and processed.

To archive your emails, please follow the steps sequentially as given below.


1. Open Outlook and go to File menu as highlighted below.

2. Click on ‘Cleanup Tools’ and Select ‘Archive…’ option.

3. Select ‘Archive this folder and subfolders: > make sure your complete mailbox is selected, not only the inbox > Select a desired date in ‘Archive items older than:’ section (good to archive emails older than 3 months) > Click on Browse and Select a path, preferably other than C:\ drive > Click on ‘OK’ to begin the archival process.

Please Note: it may take longer to complete the archival depending on the current email data size of your mailbox.

Once the archival is completed, you will be able to see two root folder in your outlook (looks like below):
 folder contains current emails and ‘archive’ folder contains emails you have archived.